Call for Papers
Instant Cities: Emergent Trends in Architecture and Urbanism in the Arab World
1-3 April, 2008 American University of Sharjah, UAE
Organized by:
The Center for the Study of Architecture in the Arab Region
In Collaboration with
School of Architecture and Design, American University of Sharjah, UAE
Keynote Speakers:
Anthony D. King, Emeritus Professor, State University of New York, USA
Speech title: Thinking Through Cities: Identities, Modernities, Globalities
Besim S. Hakim, Consultant and an independent scholar, USA
Speech title: Eco-Policies and Generative Programs for Sustainable Cities
Throughout the Arab region, rapid urbanization fueled by speculation and geopolitical transformations have had a significant impact on architecture. The flow of people, goods and capital into the Gulf states has prompted fundamental changes resulting from economic growth and diversification intended to lessen the dependence on oil revenues. As a result of its ability to entice investors and instantly translate funds into real estate ventures, Dubai has become a prime example and a potential focus of study. Architects and planners struggle to adapt to processes of rapid change and there seems to be little time for reflection on the long-term socio-cultural or environmental consequences of current practices.
The CSAAR 2008 conference will focus on the causes and effects of emergent trends in architecture and urbanism in the Gulf. Media campaigns and journalistic accounts of the extraordinary projects that promise to increase economic vitality and attract tourists have focused attention on the region. However, there have been few attempts to move beyond the descriptive. We invite colleagues from across disciplines to develop analyses that identify, explicate and theorize emergent trends in architecture and urbanism in the Arab region in general and the Gulf states in particular. Questions to be considered include: How has economic progress affected contemporary architecture and urbanism in the Arab region? What theoretical constructs can be employed to explain transformations in the built environment? What can be learned from architecture and urbanism in fast-developing cities like Dubai? How have inhabitants adapted to the effects of urban development?
While the conference is primarily concerned with conditions in the Gulf, organizers invite contributions that address how rapid urbanization affects the production of architecture and the lives of inhabitants throughout the Arab region and beyond.
Topics of Interest
We invite submissions in all areas related to urbanism and architecture, particularly work focusing on bridging the gap between theory and practice. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
Urban Development
• Economic and Urban Strategies
• Culture, Lifestyle and Urbanity
• The Role of Heritage
• Landscape Strategies in Harsh Climates
• Urban, Suburban and Exurban
• New Urbanism/Transit-Oriented Development
• Tensions between Environmental and Economic Sustainability
• Changing Definitions of Public and Private
• Land use, Transportation and Urban Management
• Land Reclamation as a Means of Expansion
• The Impacts of Privatization
• Uses of Urban Space
• Segregation as an Urban Strategy
• Ecological and social sustainability
• Modernization and Cultural Regeneration
Morphology and Typology
• Emergent Urban Patterns
• Emergent Building Types
• Mixed-Use Developments
• Traditional Neighborhood Design / Neo-Traditional Design
• Spaces for Shopping, Tourism and Entertainment
• Effects of Neo-Liberal Economic Policies (e.g. Free Zones, Privatization, etc.)
• The Role of Infrastructure
• Gender, Space and Social Practice
• Form as a Means of Social Control
• Environmental Determinism / Economic Determinism
• Postmodernity and the Architecture of Festivals
• Urban fabric, social life and healthy communities
• Approaches to Precedent
Design and Representation
• Simulations and Simulacra
• Depictions of the Arab World in Themed Developments
• Utopias/Dystopias
• The Role of Branding in Selling Buildings and Cities
• Constructing National Identities through Built Form
• Stylistic Tropes
• Representations vs. Reality in Architecture and Urbanism
• Design as a Marketing Tool
• Geometry and Form Generation
• Distributed Design and Global Practice
Important Dates
Deadline for abstracts |
(extended) August 30, 2007 |
Full paper submission |
September 30, 2007 |
Notification of acceptance |
December 15, 2007 |
Deadline for final papers |
January 15, 2008 |
Abstract Submission
Abstract submissions should be approximately 500 words and must be in English. Abstract and full paper submissions should be sent in MS Word or PDF document format. Abstracts should be e-mailed to scientific committee co-chair (). Full paper submissions are required to be done online at csaar submission and review system below.
Full Paper Submission
List of accepted papers
list of accepted papers can be found here >>
Conference Fees and Registration
Authors are invited to complete the registration process before January 30th, 2008. Authors should pay registration fees before February 28th. Failing to send the registration fees on or before this date will result in excluding the paper from the proceedings. Click here for online registration>>.
Conference Proceedings
All papers accepted for publication will be published in a conference proceedings, which will be available to delegates at the time of registration. In addition, papers will be published in a volume of CSAAR Transactions on the Built Environment (ISSN 1992-7320).
Location & Accommodation
Information regarding location, accommodation, visa and travel information is available here >>
Conference Program
Draft of conference program available her >>
Conference Site Manger
Rania Morsi, American University of Sharjah
Conference Secretariat
Samer Taweel, CSAAR samer @ csaar-center.org

• American University of Sharjah, UAE
•The Center for the Study of Architecture, Jordan
Organizing Committee
Amer Moustafa, American University of Sharjah, UAE.
George Katodrytis, American University of Sharjah, UAE.
Jamal Al-Qawasmi, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
Kevin Mitchell, American University of Sharjah, UAE.
Mehdi Sabet, American University of Sharjah, UAE.
Samia Rab, American University of Sharjah, UAE.
Tim Kennedy, American University of Sharjah, UAE.
Scientific Committee Co-Chairs |
Amer Moustafa, American University of Sharjah, UAE.
Jamal Al-Qawasmi, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
Kevin Mitchell, American University of Sharjah, UAE.
Conference Scientific Committee
Abeer Al-Lahham
KFU, Saudi Arabia
Abeer Shaheen
Harvard University, USA
Adel A. Aldosary
KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
Adnan Morshed
The Catholic University of America, USA
Ahmad Okeil
British University in Dubai, UAE
Ahmed Kanna
University of Iowa, USA
Ali Alraouf
University of Bahrain, Bahrain
Besim Hakim
Boris Brorman Jensen
Institute for Urbanism& Landscape, Denmark
Donald Bates
LAB Architecture Studio, Australia
Fabio Todeschini
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Florian Wiedmann
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Gareth Doherty
Harvard University, USA
George Katodrytis
American University of Sharjah, UAE
Gordana Fontana-Giusti
University of Kent, UK
Han Meyer
TU Delft, Netherlands
Habib Alshuwaikhat
KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
Hilde Heynen
Harvard University, USA
H. Filiz Alkan Meshur
Selcuk University, Turkey
Hilde Heynen
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Hisham Elkadi
University of Ulster, UK
Ihab Elzeyadi
University of Oregon, USA
J M Jamil Brownson
United Arab Emirates University, UAE
John Alexander Smith
American University in Dubai, UAE
Kahina Amal Djiar
The Polytechnic School of Architecture & Urbanism, Algeria
Khaled Galal Ahmed
United Arab Emirates University, UAE
Lineu Castellio
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Mehdi Sabet
American University of Sharjah, UAE
Mohamed Alaa Mandour
Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Nabil Mohareb
UAE University, UAE
Nabyl Chenaf
University of Girona, Spain
Nadia Fava
University of Girona, Spain
Nadia Mounajjed
American University of Sharjah, UAE
Nnamdi Elleh
University of Cincinnati, USA
Raed Al Tal
The Hashemite University, Jordan
Ranjith Dayarate
University of Bahrain, Bahrain
Robert Weddle
Durury University, USA
Sabah Mushatat
Ajman University of Science & Tech., UAE
Salim ElWazani
Bowling Green State University, USA
Sandra Guerrero
Zayed University, UAE
Samer Bagaen
University of Aberdeen, UK
Samia Rab
American University of Sharjah, UAE
Safei-Eldin Hamed
Texas Tech University, USA
Shuhana Shamsuddin
Universitti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Sigrun Prahl
University of the Arts Berlin, Germany
Stephen Ramos
Harvard University, USA
Tauseef Ahmed
University of Engineering & Technology, Pakistan
Tim Kennedy
American University of Sharjah, UAE
Vincent Canizaro
University of Texas at Austin, USA
Waleed Al-Sayyed
Lonaard & Dar Mimar, UK
Wm. Todd Reisz
Ofice for Metropolitan Architecture, Netherlands